Thursday, April 23, 2009


Allright, I have decided to intensely read every tutorial and blog there is available on the internet on how to make a website. Or maybe on how to use Photoshop. My website ideas are going great, but once I bring all my stuff into Photoshop, nothing is working! I just have to read about how to use things, no big worry.

On to other things- I love all of my sketches and they are helping out so much when I play around in Photoshop. Its nice to have something to look over rather than a blank screen.  I made the flower that I plan to use on each of my pages in Illustrator.  I like it, but I am not sure if I positively want to use it. I may use a real image that I recently took. 

I want each of my pages to be really simple and not have a lot of places for your eye to wander to. On all of the websites that I have gone to in the past, a non-busy home page was what got me. I like to have a familiar idea on each page that you travel to because then it appears to be more cohesive and organized. I think I will change my layout to the rule of thirds. I didn't realize I was putting everything halfway! Yikes! 

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