Sunday, April 19, 2009

..Crit time.

Okay, I have been craving cereal all morning and by no means do I like Kix, but for some reason my eye was drawn to their boxes when I looked  up cereal online. 

I really like the vintage Kix box the most! It offers minimal information and leads you straight to the point. KIX. The orange color captures your attention. The dark blue color of the font is complimentary and works well with the orange.  The font itself is playful; the big bubble letters, reminiscent of cards I made in the 4th grade. "Corn" of course in cursive. I think this is playing more towards parent's eye. Kids don't exactly know how to read cursive yet; it is the healthy information and not necessarily something that the producers want to stand out (for sugar-craving little children, at least).  The logo and a promotion is kept simple with muted colors and inconspicuous locale. 

The next Kix cereal box contains an image!! Now the buyer can see what they are getting. You know that the producers of this cereal box are playing toward healthiness and appealing to the eye. Not everyone is going to be attracted to a bowl of little yellow, starchy-looking balls, but throw some strawberries in there, and you've got a real meal! The yellow of the box is still bright and brings you in to read. The font is still playful but much larger! The text takes up two thirds of the cover, leaving little white space. the alignment in the first box was all left-sided and here it is all to the center. I think it creates something soft, boring, and unappealing. Its barely a step-up from the last box. 

Finally, the most modern of them all! How much have these boxes changed over time? A TON! Arrangement of all the elements are jumbled. Kix is slanted across the box in huge, uppercase letters. It looks prominent and semi-kid friendly. I don't understand why the text is moving diagonally, it is doing nothing to help but add a little more movement for the eyes. The image is much more updated, the food looks crunchy, colorful, and.... good. The milk coming up at the sides of the bowl gives it a more lively feel. General Mills offers their logo for Kix on every box, "Kid tested, mother approved!" Here it is much more pronounced on this box with a red background. This feels more like an advertisement than a product box. It will attract children with the bright colors and mothers with the "no preservatives...." information. Oh, how times change.

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