Tuesday, March 3, 2009

the CAN


  1. This can lid has a whole lot going on. The colors play nicely and the repetition of shape is also nice. I would like to see the thirds spaced a little more from each other. The eye needs a place to rest. Creepy condiment is a great concept!

  2. Its very busy but i think it works because its like the creepy crawlers are coming out and taking over the can, like they would take over your food when you sprinkle them. "Creepy" would look good if it was black or red just something to create more contrast. i love it.... its my favorite!

  3. Your choice of citron green for this can's label definitely screams creepy crawly. It was an effective, simple design choice that exaggerates the ickyness of the product. I like the repeating elements of bugs, their placement helps unify the entire label. Overall, really nice...and gross ;)

  4. I really like the colors you used! The ladel has a slight Halloween feel with the spider web, and your use of space and composition is really strong.

  5. I really like the whole idea of creepy crawlers in a can, however I don't think you need the bugs crawling everywhere. I think if you reduce their numbers, then that will lend to a better advertising design- right now it's a little busy. I do really like the worms crawling up the sides and bottom. Also, as much as I enjoy the colors you've chosen, maybe you could chose some less inviting or colorful ones. Maybe some that suggest the color of really nasty bug-critters. I'm all for being as unsettling as possible with advertising! Good job!

  6. This is a strong eye catching design. The color choices are bold and could definately be creepy. The layout is full and busy which can really ttract people to this product. The text on the front of the can may be a little confusing and hard to read when walking down the grocery store but I think you did a great job in the composition. Great job!
