Sunday, February 15, 2009


I decided to add some more doodles in the car window and darken the letter on the left side of the image.  


  1. There is definite improvement in this. The right side pops more, and the elements on the left are more discernible. The meaning of your works becomes more readable. The doodles in the sky are also a nice touch.

  2. From far away(this view) you can not see the doodles in the car but when you look its a wonderful surprise. Thank you now the doodles seem welcomed and not out of place. The letter is also better because now I can read it and understand more. Love it!

  3. I love seeing the letter on the left more, and the doodles do help the balance, still would have liked to see you take the mustache off, your too pretty to have that honey!

  4. Nice improvement! I love the added doodles you place around the city. I still think it would be cool to see even more of them, maybe on your clothes or elsewhere, but that's just me. It looks as though you've boosted up your colors as well, which adds a nice vibrant flare to the image. Good job!

  5. im glad you decided to darken the letter on the lest side. it seems more important now. i enjoy the doodles you added, it makes the piece more visually connected. i love the doodles in the sky the bast! its sweet! maybe add some smaller ones in the lower left hand side of may tie the whole piece together. maybe i just love the doodles so much that i want to see more! great job!

  6. At first glance I was unsure about the new doodles added to the cityscape, however in looking at it again I think it was a very unifying decision. It ties in the text that is handwritten on the left side of the piece to the photograph of you and I think that works very effectively. It's interesting to see how sometimes just small changes can make such an improvement!
