Sunday, January 25, 2009

Live with Art, It's Good for You

I'm assuming that this is some sort of advertisement or print; either or, the color and design initially caught my attention.  The bold red draws the viewer's eyes to the bottom right corner- the most important word on the canvas, "ART." It informs the viewer of what is significant.  Once your eyes gaze over "Art" it continues to the rest of the quote.  The alignment creates contrast while using proximity.  By keeping all of the text close to each other, it informs you that the quote is supposed to be read together. The alignment of the smaller text is opposite and by using left and right alignment, interest in the content is built.  The center, yellow curve formulating from the hand in the top left corner almost forms a path to the bolded "Art."  This suggests that this ad is returning to roots; art comes from the imagination and your primary tool, your hands.  All of the tiny aspects of the print, to me, kind of just wander just like an artist's mind.  I always doodle and most of the time my greatest ideas come from a simple drawing in the margin of my notes.  I feel that this print is attempting to bond with all artists; it is saying that anything from a design to an idea can be considered art and that art is an enjoyable interest.  All of the elements work well together; at times it may appear cluttered (near the blue dot), but other elements such as the arrows and steeple forces the dot to have a purpose.  Overall, the print is aesthetically pleasing and keeps your eye's moving across the page. 

1 comment:

  1. Very well thought out critique. What about the artist's use of negative space? How does it help the composition?
