Thursday, January 29, 2009

The Talker

Here is my first time using a tablet. Dana was my subject. Pretty decent, eh?

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

The Cookie Monster

My roommate Liz is in love with cookies. Every night after she eats her dinner, she undoubtedly opens up the refrigerator and breaks out our packet of cookie dough. Obviously, she (and her actions) is what inspired my photo essay.  I decided to follow her throughout the process of "cookie making." I attempted to get some interesting angles (ex. standing on my kitchen counter, putting my hand in a hot oven, etc). As for the editing process, I brought each image into photoshop and cropped them to my liking.  I really wanted the cookies to stand out, so with each image I cut out the cookies using the magic wand tool.  Then I used the inverse tool and turned the background black and white. On some of the pictures I did choose to blur out the background to make the main images stand out more.  I wanted some sort of alteration that would connect the images even more than I already had, so I decided to use a film grain filter.  I really like how everything turned out.  I think that the compositions and color choices work very well with each other. Liz, of course, was also very pleased with the results; its just one more shrine to her favorite food.


Original Photos

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Live with Art, It's Good for You

I'm assuming that this is some sort of advertisement or print; either or, the color and design initially caught my attention.  The bold red draws the viewer's eyes to the bottom right corner- the most important word on the canvas, "ART." It informs the viewer of what is significant.  Once your eyes gaze over "Art" it continues to the rest of the quote.  The alignment creates contrast while using proximity.  By keeping all of the text close to each other, it informs you that the quote is supposed to be read together. The alignment of the smaller text is opposite and by using left and right alignment, interest in the content is built.  The center, yellow curve formulating from the hand in the top left corner almost forms a path to the bolded "Art."  This suggests that this ad is returning to roots; art comes from the imagination and your primary tool, your hands.  All of the tiny aspects of the print, to me, kind of just wander just like an artist's mind.  I always doodle and most of the time my greatest ideas come from a simple drawing in the margin of my notes.  I feel that this print is attempting to bond with all artists; it is saying that anything from a design to an idea can be considered art and that art is an enjoyable interest.  All of the elements work well together; at times it may appear cluttered (near the blue dot), but other elements such as the arrows and steeple forces the dot to have a purpose.  Overall, the print is aesthetically pleasing and keeps your eye's moving across the page. 


Thursday, January 22, 2009



Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Oleathea Rattle: Protector of the Jungle

Nestled high atop trees that skimmed the sky, among bright-eyed creatures exists the greatly respected burrow of Oleathea Rattle.  Young and lively, Oleathea Rattle rules the jungle. Seeming to be your average woman was anything but the truth.  Oleathea possess impressive aides to protecting the vibrant forest.  Atop her head rested a coil of sleeping snakes- each blessed with a tool of communication.  The future, past and present; north, south, east and west; each tiny ant, energetic monkey, and soaring bird are each represented by a single slinky serpent. Oleathea is alerted upon immediate awareness of an emergency by each representing reptile.  Rejoiced among all for her overwhelming charm and power, Oleathea is known to take charge and make change.  In times of disaster- fire, downpour, and destruction, Oleathea’s persuasion puts an end to all madness.  But in the immediate instance, Oleathea rested, lying in a bed of lush leaves. Butterflies fluttered around the coil of snakes napping on her head.  Flowers bloomed.  Wind blew through an open window. For now there was peace, but Oleathea Rattle braced herself for the next mission to protect her home. 

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

First Day of Class

I would have to say that my first day of class was awesome!!!