Sunday, May 3, 2009



I have finished my website. The finished product's link is above. I am so happy with it! Everything I hoped to include in the site is there.  The colors, the texture, all my artwork. I took everyone's comments the other day in class and switched things up a bit. 

On the About Me page, I made it a little less "busy." I got rid of a few of the images that I was using as inspiration pictures. I really enjoyed them, but they just didn't have a place on the website. I think that if I ever go back and work on the site then I may include  inspiration and contact pages. I backed the information on the About Me page with pink and changed the font to a more readable text.  I think it looks a lot simpler and better now.

I also fixed up the guestbook page! I really enjoy this one, the vintage postcard went really well with the theme of my website.  I even made a stamp, repeating my home-page image on the postcard. I linked a free guestbook page on the postcard as well.  

After slicing up all of my pages, I had a lot of trouble linking them all together, but that was because I couldn't recall any of the steps in the right order or with the correct information. After frantically trying to read tutorials and decipher my notes, I went to the computer lab and received Gerry's help. Everything worked out and I love the final website! I'm definitely going to keep this up and use it as references on resumes and other important papers.

1 comment:

  1. Betsy, this looks great! I love how the images are simple and not jumbled or busy. It's sophisticated but fun. Color palette is soothing and intriguing! Kudos, it's wonderful!-Shelley
